Tribute Giving to the IEEE Foundation

Tribute gifts to the IEEE Foundation can be a deeply gratifying way to recognize someone that touched your life while delivering opportunity, innovation and impact across the globe.

Tribute gifts are commonly made online, but can be made through any of our accepted giving methods. When making a tribute gift to the IEEE Foundation, provide the name of the person being honored or memorialized and the type of occasion (birthday, retirement, or anniversary). In addition, provide the name(s) and address(es) of those you want the IEEE Foundation to notify of your gift. The IEEE Foundation will notify the honoree or their family of all tribute gifts, but not the amount of the gift. 

Gifts of any amount are gratefully accepted and can be made at any time during the year. Tribute gifts may be designated to the IEEE Foundation's area of greatest need or to any one of  the IEEE programs supported by giving to the IEEE Foundation. 

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