IEEE Roger Brockett Memorial Fund


IEEE Life Fellow Roger Brockett, a renowned researcher, educator and innovator passed away on 19 March 2023. Roger Brocket

To honor Roger’s legacy and perpetuate his memory the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) partnered with the IEEE Foundation and Roger’s family to establish the IEEE Roger Brockett Memorial Fund.

The Brockett Memorial Fund will provide long-term support for scholarly activities in the field of control systems, which Roger deemed important during his lifetime. Activities supported will nurture, encourage and celebrate innovators in the field of control systems. Initially, the Fund will be used to support the creation of a lecture to be named for Roger, which the IEEE Control Systems Society is working to establish. Over time as the Fund grows, additional IEEE Control Systems Society scholarly activities will be supported, all in Roger's name. 

Donate today to help honor the memory of Roger Brockett and perpetuate his legacy by helping the IEEE Control Systems Society continue to pursue scholarly activities in his name. The IEEE Foundation will notify the Brockett Family about your gift, but not the amount. The giving form below includes a space for you to share a brief condolence message, which will also be shared with the family.

If you have questions or wish to hold a personal consultation regarding the Fund or ways to contribute, please call +1 732-562-3860 or email


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