Giving Tuesday 2023


IEEE-USA is the part of IEEE that supports the career and public policy interests of IEEE’s U.S. members.

Your generous gifts fuel a variety of IEEE-USA's programs. Partner with us today to help us achieve our vision to be the technical professional’s best resource. When you donate to IEEE-USA for Giving Tuesday, you are supporting IEEE-USA programs, including:

  • Special IEEE-USA Projects designed to enhance the careers of U.S. IEEE members, improve K-12 STEM education, and promote public awareness of the profession.

  • IEEE-USA Government Fellowships - Help fund government fellowships for qualified U.S. IEEE members, who will spend a year living and working in Washington as advisers to the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Department of State, or U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

  • WISE Internships - Support programs like WISE, where students study how technology and public policy intersect, and how engineers and scientists can make an effective contribution to technically sound laws and regulations.

  • IEEE-USA MOVE Community Outreach - Support MOVE emergency deployments and K-12 STEM public outreach, including the costs of operating and maintaining the MOVE vehicles and upgrading their capabilities.

  • IEEE-USA Awards - IEEE-USA Awards recognize professionalism, technical achievement, and literary contributions to public awareness and understanding of the engineering profession in the United States. 

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