IEEE Smart Village (ISV) began in 2009 with the original mission of bringing the benets of solar energy to deprived communities that were generally neglected by IEEE. From the beginning ISV relied upon local entrepreneurs and community leaders to provide long lasting benets to the community, ISV has evolved over the years and now its mission is to improve livelihoods in underserved communities, by growing local enterprises based on the productive use of any IEEE technology, often on a foundation of renewable energy. IEEE volunteers have played an instrumental role in mentorship. Over the years such local enterprises have deployed portable solar systems in Haiti, solar lighting in the mountains of India, microgrids for business and home electricity in Nigeria, solar powered classrooms and construction technology in Kenya, solar irrigation for mushroom farming in Uganda etc., with the aspiration of each serving up to a million people in the long run. After nearly 15 years, ISV has become the largest focused humanitarian activity in the IEEE. It has created over 100 projects in nearly 25 countries on 5 continents. Over $6 million USD has been invested. The lives of over 2 million people have been affected by ISV projects. Smart Village needs continued donations to provide humanitarian assistance to communities in need.