Q: How does the Giving Tuesday match work?

A: Gifts made through the Giving Tuesday online giving portal, will be matched dollar-for-dollar to the program where the gift is designated. Each gift will have a matching limit of US$2,500 and the total match pool is US$64,000.

Q: How does the Giving Tuesday incentive grant work?

A: Programs participating in Giving Tuesday have the opportunity to earn an incentive grant based on the number of unique donors and community fundraisers to their program. You can help the program of your choice reach this goal by making a gift and signing up as a community fundraiser.

Q: What is a community fundraiser?

A: A community fundraiser, also known as a peer-to-peer fundraiser, has the ability to create their own fundraising page to support the program of their choice. Any donations made through these pages are designated to the program selected during registration. Through this page, you will have the ability to:

  • Generate your own giving page URL that can be shared with your family and friends;
  • Tell the story of why you are supporting the program; and
  • Earn exclusive rewards.
Start your community fundraiser here.
Q: What does the IEEE Foundation do?

A: As the philanthropic partner of IEEE, the IEEE Foundation translates the values of our members and donors into social impact. Learn More

Q: Who do I contact to discuss making a gift?

A: Reach out to our professional team anytime. We're here to help